Monday 2 March 2015

Xenophasmina simile "Chiang Mai" Eggs Arrival

Hi to my few readers ;)

Since adding the ClustrMap on the right of the page I have been very interested in the amount of people checking my blog as well as the locations of all. Thank you all for the support! Although I am still waiting for a few comments.

I obtained some ova of X. simile "Chiang Mai" a few months back and have really enjoyed watching this species grow. The nymphs are probably one of the more interesting ones to observe. I have really enjoyed my time raising these.

A few days back I started gettnig my first ova and since then the females have been dropping a bunch of ova daily; a very prolific species!

Here is my favourite female; her colour and pattern is quite unique.

And here is a picture of the ova. They have a very interesting shape and I best no one, human or predator, would ever notice them on the ground.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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